

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Ninja Wars! easy XP!

Ninja Warz Quick Leveling Tips and Farming List 300x228 Ninja Warz Big Farming List for quick leveling
You can level up really fast if you follow this farming list.
 You can attack these players 5 times each once every hour. For better results, follow these tips:
  • Try to start the list right after you level up because you get 2X experience for the next 9 minutes.
  • Press SKIP on every fight to avoid losing precious time.
  • After pressing SKIP, if you have enough health for another fight without using the hospital, press the back button on your browser as soon as the URL changes. That will send you back to the fight without having to wait for the main screen to reload.
  • If possible attempt to heal your players every 5 fights.
  • Watch your health bar! If you need to heal, then allow the main screen to load, use the Hospital and then right away click back on your browser.
  • Haven’t tested this but it might be possible that if you can just hit refresh after the fight screen load and you wouldn’t lose any items you would fight. THIS IS UNTESTED!
If you time it right, you can level up about 1 level and a half every time you use this list
Attack these guys for easy kills, gold and experience:
Level 3
Level 8
Level 9
Level 19
Level 20
Level 22
Level 23
Level 24
Level 25
Level 27
Level 28
Level 29
Level 32
Level 43
Level 56
Level 64
Level 172
Level 284