

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Top 10 PSP Games 2011 PG.2

  • Patapon 3

    Patapon 3 Pyramid's spectacular action-rhythm Patapon series is back for the PSP with Patapon 3. In this installment, you control the Superhero Patapon, given special powers after evil spirits turn his Patapon brothers and sisters to stone. Using eight new beats, you must drive your Patapon warriors to victory, gaining experience and abilities through an all-new point/reward system. The biggest changes from earlier Patapon games will arrive in multiplayer functionality: current plans include a four-way competitive mode, and every level will be available for play by up to eight players at a time, locally, or with another PSP.
  • Persona 2: Innocent Sin

    Atlus | Atlus
    Persona 2: Innocent Sin For some reason, there were actually two games called Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment. And, for some reason, only the latter of the two was ever localized into English. Happily, Atlus is giving Innocent Sin a full-on PSP remake in the style of the original Persona, with improved graphics, a revised interface, and new music. It hasn't been announced for a U.S. release yet, but Atlus has been pretty vigorous about localizing every Persona game to come down the pipeline these past few years -- and fans have been making it worth their while. We're going to be optimistic here and hold out hope for justice! And love! And Sin!
  • Prinny: Operation Panties, Dood!

    Nippon Ichi | NIS America
    Prinny: Operation Panties, Dood! Playing the world's weakest main character in Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! and running chores for a Demon Lord may seem like a chore for inhabitants of the Prinny's Netherworld, but even the oddest jobs need a hero. Operations Panties brings another whimsical plot to the hardcore action platformer, and another 1000 penguin minions to help your cause. Plus developer Nippon Ichi has added easier difficulty modes to tone down one of the most brutally challenging games of 2009.
  • Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

    Square Enix | Square Enix
    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together This remake of Super Famicom classic Tactics Ogre may not look like much of an improvement at first glance, since it's using the same graphics as the 16-bit version of the game. But then you start noticing the added visual effects, and the beautifully redesigned interface, and the upgraded music, and the added classes, characters, and story events... and then you realize you can rewind both battles and the branching storyline, and suddenly everything clicks. Not only is this one of the best tactical RPGs ever made, it's a greatly improved version designed to be played at your own pace and explored inside and out. And did we mention the gorgeous new localization that brings to mind Vagrant Story? A must-have for RPG fans.
  • The 3rd Birthday

    Square Enix | Square Enix
    The 3rd Birthday For the third adventure of tough paranormal cop Aya Brea, Square cheaped out and didn't bother to re-up the license to use the Parasite Eve name. But make no mistake, this is a Parasite Eve sequel -- even if the game mechanics are totally different from anything that's come before. The 3rd Birthday is more a third-person shooter than an RPG, giving players control of a virtual squad of soldiers and civilians whom Aya can direct using her highly evolved brain (and a handy virtual reality device). It's gorgeous, reputedly challenging, and a little bit naughty; Aya's health is reflected in the state of her clothing, which grows more revealing as she takes damage.

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